In this Yirgacheffe coffee review guide, we will be giving you a flow of information about every single aspect and overall facts about Yirgacheffe. You may already have heard of Yirgacheffe coffee, which is part of Ethiopian coffee types. It is known for its floral citrusy characteristics that are difficult to find in any other coffee worldwide. The reason Yirgacheffe and other high elevation grew coffees are able to produce these complex exotic flavors is due to the harsh conditions they are grown in.
It is well-known for its sweet flavor and fragrance, as well as its light to medium body. Ethiopian Yirgacheffe coffees are peppery and aromatic, and they are regularly evaluated and regarded as among the world’s best-grade Arabica coffees. Their premium reputation generally entails a premium price, yet even so, they provide greater value for money than other comparables.
Here are some notable facts about this coffee including the following :
- It is a very small part of the global coffee production
- Grown in Ethiopia and is considered one of the first coffee beans to have ever been discovered.
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The History of Yirgacheffe Coffee Beans – The Legend
I’d like to take you on a 1,500-year journey to Ethiopia. Most people mistakenly believe that Brazil is the birthplace of coffee because they’re the world’s largest producer, but in fact, Ethiopia is the birthplace of this beverage.
According to legend, a small goat herd known as cow Dee was watching his goats eat some cherries from a tree, and as he watched, the goats became crazier and crazier, jumping up and down all over the place, and he was fascinated by this, so he took some of the berries home to his village and showed them to the village elders, who immediately assumed it was the devil. Later, they brought all of the villagers back to the fireplace to see if this beautiful smell was coming from them. Seeing the error of their ways they raked the coals three times and got all of the beans out and crushed them up and tried to drink them to see what it would taste like. This might be a myth but let’s agree that it still makes a nice story to tell.
Where Do They Grow Yirgacheffe Coffee Beans?
It is an undisputed fact that Ethiopia is the heart and soul of coffee and there’s something extra-special about receiving coffee from this place because of the immense history behind them. In total, there are four major coffee-producing regions. As a result, Jurgis Chef has its own label. Guji Farrar and Sudama are the other two regions.
The small farm in the g’day ozone is about 62,000 hectares, and they produce about fifteen point five million tonnes of cherries each year. It’s raised and owned by the Yirgacheffe coffee farmers cooperative union, and there are about 38,000 farmers looking after about 300,000 family members.
What Does Yirgacheffe Coffee Taste Like?
The complex sugars and acids that the beans create during this process wind up in our cup, which is wonderful and rich till the last drop. The taste of Yirgacheffe coffee varies by the regions they are grown, however, all of the Yirgacheffe beans have a multitude of flavors. After trying it myself I would say that what is said about this coffee is very much true. Cherry, grape, lime, and peach are the most dominant. Additionally, Yirgacheffe coffee benefits are many to list. They have an earthy flavor due to their natural process. Beans that have not been dried properly have a sour taste and become too brittle to roast.
Recommended Coffees to Brew With Yirgacheffe Beans
There are many coffee types that are perfectly suitable with Yirgacheffe coffee beans. The Yirgacheffe is a fragrant and floral coffee with wine and fruit undertones. It is one of the most treasured East African coffees. It has a smooth medium body and a lengthy, lingering finish when roasted to a medium-dark degree. Dark Roast provides a full-bodied flavor that’s perfect for cold brews and espresso shots. In this section of the guide, we will be focusing on the coffee types that are suitable for Yirgacheffe beans.
Espresso – Best for Yirgacheffe Coffee
Yirgacheffe coffee characteristics are perfectly suited with the coffee style of an Espresso. As you may already know a shot of espresso is 30 milliliters of coffee squeezed under pressure with water that is no hotter than 98°C. Contrary to popular belief, this should not result in a bitter taste, which might occur when boiling water is utilized. It’s critical to obtain the brown foam. The acidity and fruity undertones of berry and lemon are the perfect combinations for the avid coffee drinker. This is why a shot of espresso made from Yirgacheffe coffee beans is a perfect mixture of raw caffeine and tropical tang.
How to Make the Perfect Espresso
Americano, Lungo, or Doppio – Concentrated Taste
If you are not avid about drinking strong coffee and prefer more diluted coffee types, after you order Yirgacheffe coffee beans I would highly recommend you to try making either americano, lungo, or even doppio. Additionally, the cold brewing methods are famous for being compatible with Yirgacheffe coffee beans.
Most likely a cold brew would be stronger because the ratio of coffee to water in a cold brew is much higher than in other immersion brews like the French press, which is roughly 1g:15ml coffee grounds to hot water. An Americano begins as an espresso with a ratio of 1g:2ml coffee grinds to resultant brew but is subsequently diluted with hot water. A 1g:5ml ratio can be used in a cold brew, and it may or may not be diluted afterward. According to our Yirgacheffe coffee review, a cold brew’s coffee-to-water interaction period is also significantly longer than an Americano’s. The beans are pretty much delicious on their own so you don’t really need to add anything. Yirgacheffe coffee beans are enjoyed the most in their raw form.