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Ethiopian Coffee Flavour Profile

Ethiopia has successfully offered premium grade single origin coffee beans for hundreds of
years. There is some debate within the coffee community of the origin of coffee. Ethiopia
claims to be the originating country of coffee. So does Yemen.
It is with no surprise that Ethiopia has the ideal growing environment for producing fantastic
coffee. The high elevations and mountainous regions make for excellent growing conditions.
There are more than a thousand varieties of coffee beans grown in Ethiopia. Because coffee
trees grow naturally in Ethiopia, most of the coffees are under shade, among other plants, and
without the use of agricultural chemicals.

Three coffee production methods are used in Ethiopia: Forest Coffees, Garden Coffees,
and Plantation Coffees. For Forest Coffees, the beans are wild-grown and harvested by the
locals. Garden Coffees are grown in smaller plots of land alongside a variety of crops and are
measured by trees rather than hectares. Plantation Coffees are beans grown on large estates.
Only a small percentage of Ethiopian coffee is harvested this way. The Garden Coffee
technique is the most popular method for producing coffee in Ethiopia

There are three central regions that single-origin coffee is produced and sold: Sidamo,
Yirgacheffe, and Harrar. Each one of these regions produces coffee with its own distinct
flavor profile.

Yirgacheffe: These coffees have a sweet and fruity flavor and aroma, with a light to
medium body. They are incredibly fragrant and are regularly rated and reviewed as the
highest quality Arabica beans in the world. Since they are premium grade coffees, they are
often more expensive.

Sidamo: Best known for its rich mouthfeels, full bodies, and sweet and complex flavour
profiles. Sidamo beans often have low acidity, with a vibrant aftertaste. Because of their
flavor consistency, they are a staple Ethiopian bean for many coffee roasters

Harrar: Most commonly dry-processed, these beans are heavy-bodied with a very spicy and
fragrant aroma. They have a floral acidity and produce a bright, almost intensely flavored
cup. The taste is often described as “wild” or “jammy” and is reminiscent of a blackberry.

Ethiopian beans as a whole are known for their winey quality and bright mouthfeels. They
typically have a light to medium body, higher acidity, and complex flavor notes. Most of the
coffees from Ethiopia are naturally processed, which means that they are dried with the
cherry fruit still attached to the coffee bean. This style of processing gives the coffee fruity or
winey tones and bright acidity. Wet processing is a newer method, and the fruit is removed.
The final cups are clean, floral, and complex.

From the rich and fruity flavours of Harrar to the bright and floral notes of Yirgacheffe,
the unique characteristics that Ethiopian coffees have offered have become some of the
best-reviewed and most sought after premium coffee beans in the world
